Coach Hoop

Coach Hoop

Master Trainer

Coach Hoop is an experienced EMT and Firefighter, in addition to his National Academy of Sports Medicine (“NASM”) fitness certification and 15+ years as a personal trainer and football coach. Hoop’s intense training techniques address all levels of fitness enthusiasts who pursue personal health goals and/or competitive sports training. Coach Hoop’s dedication, enthusiasm, personality and passion for a healthy athletic lifestyle is what makes him so successful.


Coach Hoop

I graduated from San Jose State University. I have multiple certifications and licenses, including National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), Firefighter 1 and Emergency Medical Technician, and Certified Functional Strength Coach (“CFSC”). I played Division 1 football before moving into the professional training arena. I am one of the most sought- after Personal Trainers in So Cal and train professional athletes, including players on the Raiders, Lions, Redskins, 49ers, and Eagles.

As a trainer, I provide a service. As with anything, I want to provide an excellent service to the consumer. The Athletic Body workout allows me to provide a service to those seeking fitness and overall wellness. I have created the ultimate HIIT workout that can burn the calories and torch the waistline in 30 minutes. When the exercise clock expires every team member will feel complete, empowered and accomplished. I created The Athletic Body workout that uses athletic-based training exercises and simultaneously uses multiple muscles and joints to improve muscular endurance, overall strength, coordination, balance, posture and agility to get a challenging, effective and full-body workout as well as prepare your body for every day, real world activities. The program also leads to weight loss and body toning The Athletic Body facilities around the world and make it affordable for people to become and stay healthy and fit.

Combining my love for football and my expertise in training, I will transform you to your best body.
When we think of athletes we think of individuals that perform. Through repetition and pursuit of efficient movement patterns for their sport, athletes develop an athletic body. The Athletic Body is simply a by-product of performance and repetition.

Fun Facts

  • Favorite Sport: Football
  • Passion: Wideouts 4 Life
  • Morning Ritual: Meditation
  • Place for Reflection: Beach
  • His Wish: That you were as motivated about changing your body as he is for you.
  • Accomplishments: Trained athletes who went on to D1 Schools and the NFL
  • Favorite Quote: “It does not matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up.” Michael Jordan